Does The NSA Really Know Everything About Everyone?

NSA: “We must know everything” – a reminder - CyberSecurityFOX Aug 20, 2016 Everything We Know About How the NSA Tracks People's Everything We Know About How the NSA Tracks People's Physical Location. With Monday's new revelation, we can see the NSA's two-pronged system for finding out where people are. How the NSA Spies on Us All - Part 4: The 90's - Present Jan 11, 2019

Obama team was 'afraid' Flynn would find improper access

The National Security Agency is considering ending a once-secret surveillance program that annually collects hundreds of millions of telephone call records, including those belonging to Americans Snowden betrayed his country; NSA necessary (one caveat) Edward Snowden is everything Dick Cheney and John Kerry say he is. Now there's an "odd couple" for you. But yes, it is widely agreed that Snowden is in fact a traitor. The government contractor was sworn to secrecy in his work with the National Security Agency. He violated that oath and went way beyond what is necessary for a "whistleblower" wishing to relieve a troubled conscience Everything you need to know about Palantir, the secretive

Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald

May 25, 2020 How the NSA Identified Satoshi Nakamoto - Slashdot