This was important in the debate before the Open Internet order, because Net Neutrality had already been ruled illegal in the Comcast case. So the radical left had argued that the FCC should wave a magic wand and declare that Internet service providers are no longer information services, and are now phone companies, and so should be

Expert offers overview of net neutrality debate Dec 04, 2017 How the Net Neutrality Debate Affects Your Internet | Live May 22, 2017

Net neutrality: Game over? | PBS NewsHour Extra

After months of standing on the sidelines in the contentious debate over whether to adopt net neutrality in the United States, President Barack Obama has finally spoken. The timing is pretty late, but it may well be that the President was waiting until after the mid-term elections to take a stand on what would be a controversial decision

Despite the dismal state of the public debate on net neutrality, there is actually some hope for a bipartisan solution. Democratic senator Kyrsten Sinema is looking to collaborate with Republicans

The debate over net neutrality continued during the long campaign leading up to the 2008 presidential election. When the Obama Administration took office in 2009, the new chairman of the Federal Online Debate: Net neutrality | The net neutrality debate turns on the idea that there are bottlenecks on the Internet which allow network owners to exercise market power. For example, if a local company has a monopoly in Internet access and blocks subscribers from using an Internet phone service offered by a rival company, that could harm both competition and consumers.